I am a London based artist working with painting, photography and digital art
Instagram: @oscarsodeau
Email: Oscar@sodeau.com
Domestic Landscapes- Celebrating the ‘Ordinary’
My work looks at everyday objects and celebrates the 'Ordinary'. Those items that are overlooked or not considered to have value or importance and yet we use them every day.
I feel parallels in the way I am perceived in society. I have severe speech and language difficulties, and struggle with communication and often feel unheard and unseen. Painting gives me a voice.
While my approach may be subtly different in that it is a more personal relationship with the world around me, finding solace in things, comfort with objects and spaces.
This series of unconventional Still Life, epitomise the term ‘Domestic Landscape’ and these unconsidered corners that have no possible consequence, and by choosing to paint them, record them, they become significant.
I feel it is important to record these things, as objects can have such a short life cycle. We live in a disposable culture, and things change so quickly, constantly updating as technology and material advances move on. In addition, as manufacturers take on more responsibility for their carbon footprint and look to produce more sustainable objects from greener renewable sources, new objects and ways of living take shape.
More recently my practice has looked to incorporate portions of figures moving the ‘domestic landscapes’ still life observations to works that now include a function. They’re very much still in the same vein as the previous works and look at mundane everyday acts… watering plants, frying eggs, making a cup of tea.