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Milli Rawlings Robins is a London based painter who focuses on the joy of the everyday. Painting domestic spaces and found still lives in a reimagined and vibrant manner. Currently she is working on a series of paintings related to taste and the notion of the kitchen.


Instagram: @milrawrob

Bare foot, Arse out' is an installation piece encompassing 4 works that are part of a series called 'Taste'. From left to right, 'Too Salty', 'Too Spicy', 'Too Rich' and 'Too Sweet' (Each 30 x 42). The series reflects my connection to both cooking and painting. I realised personally I get the same feeling form making a meal as I do to completing a painting, so I began to write recipes for different tastes and translated these into the 'Taste' series. 'Bare foot, Arse out' references notions of childhood, memory and play which are running themes within my practice.

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